Medical Student Cheater: Accepting the Inevitable


Friday, December 30, 2011

Accepting the Inevitable

All are in the mood of merrymaking, decorations are everywhere, I hear carols on the radio, even the TV is singing Merry Christmas, and yet here I am, with my handy dandy notebook, notes, highlighter and ballpen - STUDYING for my exams on the day our vacation ends.

It's not uncommon I guess for medical students to miss out on important events, be late on occasions or having no idea at all of happenings all around them. With the constant wave of exams and lectures, with the unending reports and case studies, it's easy to say that medical students cannot afford to care for anything else than studies. It may be depressing to think about it but it's the reality of being and wanting to be a doctor. In fact, it can safely be concluded that it would be terribly worse during internships, residency or even after practicing as consultants. 

As they say, it's easier to accept things if we surrender to the fact that it is inevitable. So rather than putting things off and realizing you will be facing the same thing later, it's advantageous I guess to face the reality face and head on. 

I can no longer afford to procastinate, PERIOD. I guess breaking the news to myself makes it easier for myself to entertain nothing else than studying and preparing for my exams. Besides, this has been what I want all along ever since I entertained the thought of being a doctor.

And so while everyone is enjoying, here I am, trying to enjoy STUDYing. Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays and a pleasant New Year to one and all!!!

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