Medical Student Cheater: February 2012


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ins and Outs of Being an Intern


How will things change as I transition from medical student to intern?

Response from Graham Walker, MD
Chief Resident, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, New York

As an intern, you are the primary patient data collector. It's probably the most important part of the team. Welcome to the role.

Your first days as an intern may seem like just another medical school rotation; you're still writing notes, but what you write matters much more now. Your team will rely on you to know your patients and their numbers inside out, so if you say the creatinine is trending down, it better be.

Transitioning to INTERNSHIP

In less than 60 days, I will be going into internship and most of my posts will also be transitioning about internship and hospital duty. Thanks for your continued support.

MedicalStudent soon to be MedicalIntern... Hopefully...